Full Scale Dynamics played a major role in creating the EPSRC VSimulators facility at Universities of Bath and Exeter, hence we very much look forward to supporting projects using VSimulators to manage vibration serviceability in new and existing structures. FSD directors Alex, James and Paul were among the University of Exeter Engineering academic team that developed the research proposal that secured £4.8m of EPSRC funding in 2017.
Our extensive experience in experimental evaluation of hundreds of real-world structural floors, footbridges and football stadia structures fed directly into performance specification of the Exeter facility VSim@Exeter. It can reproduce the full range of vibration conditions observed in real life on such structures and it has the worldwide unique capability of environment simulation through virtual reality. The full technical specification is here.
FSD will provide full project management including design of experimental program, supervision of tests, collation and analysis of data and reporting. We can provide simulations of structure behaviour to dynamic loading using high-fidelity (numerical) finite element models or (experimental) modal modals. We can put you or your clients directly in the design loop, adjusting environmental factors (in VR) and structural factors (in the simulation). We can help you create powerful virtual environments or use 360 video, synchronised with the platform motion. This way you can minimise risk by trying before you build or retrofit your structure.
Please talk to us about your requirements for vibration serviceability management (contact j.brownjohn@fullscaledynamics.com). Where Covid-19 restrictions do not allow personal visits, we can arrange a virtual tour.